Gaming and Role Play

Play Games at MCM

Calling all adventurers...

Smash some buttons, find your new favourite board game, go on a mythical quest, battle your new deck, or learn the art of swordcraft in the Forest Glade. There’s something for gamers and RPG enthusiasts of all ages and affinities at MCM Comic Con!

What’s on?

Console Gaming

Test your skills against a friend, go head-to-head in a king of the hill style tournament, or simply play solo for a minute away from the busy show floor - either way we have you covered!

Go wild for e-sports, get nostalgic with arcade classics, or play the latest releases, all in one place.

Tabletop Gaming

Play a new tabletop game, take part in a schedule event, embark on an epic  campaigns, or sample the latest indie creations.

Whether you're there for a quick card duel or an RPG adventure, the Tabletop Zone is the perfect for meeting fellow gamers, trying out new titles, and rolling dice in good company!


The Forest Glade, is a mystical and immersive LARP area nestled within the heart of the convention.

Step into this enchanted clearing and find yourself transported to a realm of magic, monsters and adventure!

Grab your sword, don your cloak, and find out more about some of the UK’s best LARPs, costuming and swordcraft techniques.

And don’t miss live gaming on our stages...

Calling all Bards, Paladins, Rogues and everything in between; catch your favourite gaming creators and podcasters live on stage at MCM. We’ve got a stunning programme of live-gameplay, how-to’s, fan debate and more happening across the weekend. Check the schedule closer to the show for full details!