MCM Show Guide: Your First Convention

MCM Show Guide: Your First Convention

Calling all convention newbies! We can’t wait for you to experience your first MCM Comic Con and join in all the fun! Here’s everything you need to know for your first foray into geekdom… 

What should you expect?

Comic conventions are a rush on the senses, that’s for sure! Expect crowds, colourful cosplays, and a huge array of things to see and do.

The best thing about MCM is that you’ll be in the same room as thousands of people who all love the same things that you do. Our top tip? Be open to chat - friends for life have been formed in queue lines!

What should you wear?

  • Comfy shoes - The NEC is a big venue, and you’ll definitely be getting that step count in.
  • Cosplay - Whether you’re a seasoned costume creator, or looking to ‘don your favourite character’s ensemble for the first time, MCM is the perfect place to do it! Where else will you see Spider-Man sitting next to you on the train to the NEC?!
  • Sitting on some geeky getup? If you’re not up for cosplaying, be sure to break out that nerdy merch. This is a sure-fire way to meet folk who love the same fandoms as you!
  • Deodorant - Forgive us for stating the obvious here, but conventions can be a sweaty place! Have some consideration for your fellow fans; a little bit of deodorant can go a long way.

What should you bring?

  • Tickets - Make sure to bring a copy of your confirmation email containing your activation QR code (either printed or on your phone).
  • Refillable water bottle - Staying hydrated is key to surviving the long days at MCM. The NEC will have plenty of water fountains where you can refill your water bottle for free throughout the day, just remember to bring a bottle!
  • Snacks - There will be plenty of catering outlets around the venue to grab lunch, but we’d advise bringing a snack or two to munch on in case you get peckish.
  • Battery pack - You wouldn’t want to run into your favourite celebrity or cosplayer and miss the chance to snap a photo, would you?! Bring a mobile power bank and make sure your devices are charged up for the duration.


The best way to not miss a moment of the action is to plan for your time at the show before you arrive. Check the online programme and study the show floor map and create a schedule for the day - you’ll only be disappointed if you try to do too much and spread yourself too thin!

  • Trade off with your group when queuing for stuff - use the opportunity to grab some food, use the bathroom or grab that bit of merch you’ve been eyeing up!
  • Going it alone? Visit our ReedPop Discord channel ahead of the show and do a call out for a con-buddy, or head to one of the many fan-meets happening throughout the weekend to find your people!
  • Set alarms on your phone for the most important panels and activities to make sure you’re in the right spot at the right time.
  • Only sit in designated areas, and definitely not in front of doorways/aisles - you don’t want to block the flow of people!
  • Ask before you touch or take photos of cosplayers. Yes, they look fabulous, but please remember to respect personal boundaries and the investment that went into their costumes. Most people will be more than happy to strike a pose with you if you simply ask them first.

If you have any questions you can’t find the answer to on our website, please don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Service team, or ask a member of staff on the day.

Oh, and let’s not forget the biggest pro-tip of all…enjoy yourself

See everything happening at MCM this December

Read more top tips on making the most at your time at MCM